How Can a Doctor Prescribe an Antidepressant to a Pregnant Woman, Knowing the Risks to the Fetus?
Question by Bumblesnortapus: How can a doctor prescribe an antidepressant to a pregnant woman, knowing the risks to the fetus?
First, let me clarify some things. I am 100% pro-choice. I also work in the medical field and am well aware that a developing fetus is basically, a parasite inside the mother. I get it, and am not trying to bring up legal rights of a fetus. That being said, I’m also well aware that ALL MEDS are prescribed with the mother’s best interest in mind over the developing fetus, as it should very well be. Depression however, is different. I have my minor in Psychology and have suffered boughts of depression, so I get that, too. However, if the woman chooses to not abort her fetus, is currently taken an antidepressant (all antidepressants are pregnancy catorgory X or D), how can the prescribing doctor feel it’s best to keep the mom on the medication? First, the mom-to-be should take responsibility and abort the fetus, if her depression is so bad that her treatment will cause harm to the developing fetus, but I’m aware that religious reasonings, ect make some feel abortion is wrong. So now this woman is pregnant and also on a med that harms the fetus. Why not wean the woman off of the meds, and if needed, hospitalize her for suicidal tenencies, IF it gets that bad, until the child is born?
But depression really doesn’t have any severe issues if left untreated, besides risk of self harm. If the female patient desides to not abort, then she shouldn’t be permitted the meds to harm the fetus, since depression isn’t a life threatening issue, like heart disease or COPD, unless the patient is suicidal, and that’s where the psych ward stay, comes into effect.
Antidepressants were NEVER meant to be used long term, either. Regardless of the “lifers” out there, these meds cause harm to the users, as well as the unborn fetus’.
Please remember antidepressants are NOT prescribed for schizophrenia,ect. Those meds are called “antipychotic medications.”
Best answer:
Answer by Dorothy Rose
Some women, even if placed in a Hospital Setting, suffer from such severe Mental Illnesses that without medication, would do far more harm than good. Therefore, the doctor has to weigh the benefits vs. risks. Usually he will find the lowest dose that will work for the mother and have the least amount of negative consequences for the Developing Fetus. Although, even by doing that, there is still a risk. This is why doctors have to carry that very expensive Malpractice Insurance and are obligated to inform the mother of all risks beforehand.
Edit: When I say Severe Mental Illnesses, I’m talking like Schizophrenia that without medication might mean the mom hears, “The baby is possessed, kill it.” No amount of time spent in the hospital alone is going to make that go away. Medication is necessary. This brings me to another point though, I really don’t think that unstable patients should get pregnant in the first place. It might sound cruel, but if you cannot take care of you own self, how can take care of an infant?
Answer by life..
In all fairness of the freewill to state our own opinions on Y!A, I have to say that this question nearly made my blood boil, and so I felt compelled to respond.
Some of you may not like this answer, but attempt to understand the meaning and you’ll find the answer to be very rational.*
I’ll start with this:
Once a woman becomes pregnant (and decides not to abort), the fetus’s health is now primary to hers, as every mother should agree. Life and death situations have to be considered on a case-by-case basis, and as this is not the case here, I will not elaborate.
Now, it’s wrong to abort simply because you’re depressed and want meds. How about seeking the mental guidance of a more considerate psychologist, one who can help the pregnant mother by walking her through the depression (and seeing her more often) rather than medicating her in order to temporarily relieve those over-emotional symptoms?
Pregnancy can make any woman more emotional due to all the hormones running through her system, let alone for a woman who is already depressed.
Humans have to learn how to handle thier emotions and not rely on drugs (whether or not they’re prescribed.) There are many other ways to seek peace inside oneself, and bring a natural relief and resolution that does not involve meds or suicide. It takes patience, and a lot of practice, but it can definitely be done!*
Now, if this woman is suicidal, then she absolutely needs to be in a medical center thorughout the duration of her pregnancy – she needs to be monitored and supported consistently.
This brings another issue – post-partum depression. If this mother is not assisted in learning how to re-adjust the chemical imbalance through “natural remedies / options”, than I can’t imagine the depression that might hit her after delivery. This poses a danger to the baby – this leaves an opportunity for her to possibly abuse the child out of her own frustrations or even take the life of the child.
Get ready to read this one:
She has to be treated now – without drugs – and learn a new way of living, not just for herself but for her new child — not just for thier mental healths but thier physical safety as well.
This woman does not sound as if she is stable enough to take of an infant, nor does she seem as if she able to make reasonable decisions for another human being, let alone herself, by feeling the need (maybe addiction) to the meds rather than the safety of her child.
There are soooooo many cases of women abusing thier children and even taking the lives of thier LO’s because of depression. I sincerely believe that if these women were guided mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually (notice i did not say “religiously”) than many of those kinds of horrible things would not happen to children.
Some women should not be mothers — but when you become one then you have chosen to place the life of your child before your own — and again that also means: do not intentionally harm your child in any way (including prescription drugs) and do not mentally / emotionally / physically harm your child through your own mental instabilites.
Seek help – drugs are not always the best option, especially when there are a million more options for help out there!