Heroin Detox Centers in North Carolina(3)

Heroin Detox Centers in North Carolina(3)
http://heroindetox.net/heroin-detox-centers-in-north-carolina/ Another detox process that the Heroin Detox Centers in North Carolina offer is the rapid detox…


Some Women Undergo Unnecessary Double Mastectomies
"I inform [patients] very plainly that this isn't likely to improve survival, and women still want to have the breast removed," said Dr. Marissa Howard-McNatt, a surgical oncologist at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in North Carolina … Read more on Huffington Post

Obamacare isn't popular, but GOP sabotage fares worse
And then there was this take from a woman in North Carolina: "It's not going to lower the cost of premiums. … There are death panels in there, and they're going to decide whether people get treatment or not. Which means they're going to ration health … Read more on MSNBC (blog)

Virtual reality, real help for veterans
Few seek treatment. Researchers developing the virtual reality system, which so far has been distributed to about 70 clinics and hospitals around the country, say it may offer a familiar way into therapy for a generation of service members who grew up … Read more on Boston Globe