Help With Science Project? Increasing Trend of Alcohol, Drug and Smoking Abuse?
Question by Yuppy kid! =P Roxzzz….: Help with science project? increasing trend of alcohol, drug and smoking abuse?
I am supposed to complete this task by 25th June. I have done research on this.
Problem observed:
‘There is an increasing trend of smoking, drug abuse and alcohol abuse among young people in our society today,’
I need to find actual figures to support this statement. e.g charts and figures.
I have tried to find the increasing trend but the trend seems to be decreasing at least that’s what most sites state. Anyone can help me? I need an increase in smoking, drug abuse and alcohol abuse over theese few years. Must be updated. 2005, 2006 or 2007 surveys, polls or research.
i know there is a decreasing trend!!! But I ned evidence for an increasing trend….Oh and it can be from 2000-2007.
help me find either increasing or decreasing and i need figures and charts. MUST be of young people today.
Best answer:
Answer by Yug
Ummm there is actually a decreasing trend…but whatever, good luck.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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From Twitter:
“@Cam_the_ham23: My teachers think i need help with alcohol abuse and drug abuse. Lol they cracy.” You do………………………aye – by asiaaa_renae (AsiaRoberts)
From Twitter:
My teachers think i need help with alcohol abuse and drug abuse. Lol they cracy. – by Cam_the_ham23 (Mawewagiyesea)