Help With Drug Abuse?
Question by Jessie: Help with drug abuse?
My brother has a BIG problem with drugs, my mother and i have cleaned out all of the drugs from his room today and when he gets home he’s gonna freak, i no that just by taking the drugs away isn’t going to do anything but we are also a very poor family, i was wondering where i could look (like a website) for free or cheaply state run clinics/ facilities
Best answer:
Answer by Sunshine
Best wishes…
Answer by Lucy
Well theres that ask frank thing, but Id say just go to your local hospital most have a rehab unit, Hope I helped.
Kentuckiana faces rising problem of drug abuse and addiction
Because only 20 percent of its funding comes from the public sector and the rest from various partnerships and private donations, it is able to offer a six- to eight-month program free of charge. The program is not specifically … “Last year's …
Read more on IU Southeast Horizon
State Finances, Drug Abuse, and Consolidation Dominate Town Board Meeting
Before plowing through an agenda already laden with weighty topics Philipstown's Town Board spent much of its formal monthly meeting last Thursday (April 3) in listening mode, presiding over presentations from St. Christopher's Inn on a drug-abuse and …
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