Drug Rehab Center in Alaska | Call 800-303-2938 for INFO

Drug Rehab Center in Alaska | Call 800-839-1682 For INFO
Drug Rehab Center in Alaska – Call 800-839-1682 For INFO Drug addiction is one major issue that needs help from professionals. In Alaska, we have one of the …


Ford spotlight raising addiction awareness, but fuels stigma too, experts say
The 25-year veteran of substance-abuse treatment doesn't think the Ford saga has done much for the public perception of addiction or those caught in its relentless grip. "It has done absolutely nothing except to make it worse, because people are saying … Read more on Victoria Times Colonist

Treating drug abuse and mental health simultaneously
Depression, PTDS, bi-polar disorder and other mental health issues can be a cause and an effect of drug or alcohol abuse. Studies show that nearly 9 million people have co-occurring disorders, but only about 7 percent receive proper treatment. In … Read more on YNN