Drug Reforms Are Welcome, but Should Be Enshrined in Federal Law

Drug reforms are welcome, but should be enshrined in federal law
He said the reform is meant to stop filling prisons with such offenders and instead steer them to drug-treatment programs and community-service programs. The change follows the lead of many states and municipalities, including San Francisco, that … Read more on San Francisco Examiner

Drugs: Leno wants flexible sentencing, but DA may ask voters for more
San Francisco already sends most of its drug defendants to neighborhood courts and treatment programs, he said, and has saved money and jail space without increasing crime. He also said he thinks he could line up funding for a statewide campaign and … Read more on San Francisco Chronicle (blog)

Attorney General Eric Holder announces drug-sentencing reform in San Francisco
In a speech at the American Bar Association's annual meeting, Holder said the Justice Department would promote drug-treatment and community-service programs as alternatives to prison for many low-level offenders who for years have been caught up in … Read more on Contra Costa Times