Drug Addiction Stories Anyone?
Question by brooklynfantasticsx: drug addiction stories anyone?
I want to hear about addictions you have had to drugs, or have. and how you recovered, relapsed or are still trying to turn your life around. it could be anything to do with drugs, alchohol, self injury, suicide or whatever else you can think of.
open up to me i’m a great listener 🙂
i’ve read that book, as well as cut, crank, impluse, tweak, and right now im reading identical, all great books. :]
Best answer:
Answer by Nick G
ive never been addicted to drugs but there a great awsome superb, true story (anonymous) book called “go ask alice” it deals with the severe downward spiral of Alice after someone spikes her drink at a party with LSD awsome book
Answer by Brie
hmm well, i was dependent on ecstasy for two years and i also sold it in large quantities. then after two years of daily ecstasy use i finally broke down, tried to kill myself, ended up in the hospital for a month and a half. i was just so messed up and depressed and had zero serotonin and was psycotic pretty much. after i was discharged, i relapsed once, back to the hospital. never relapsed again on ecstasy since that point. horrible drug.
a year after being clean from ecstasy i had then developed a dependency to ketamine. which was stupid, cause it was just messing with my brain so much that i was hallucinating on a daily basis and was generally just losing touch with reality. i got put back in the hospital cause they thought i was schizophrenic, and they medicated me for that. however a month later, being clean from ketamine and taking many mood stabilizers and antipsychotics, i tried to kill myself again, and back to the hospital. at this point they re diagnosed me as bipolar disorder, given that the hallucinations were only induced by severe amounts of ketemine regularly in my system.
hmm. then i was doing really good for a little while! about a year! i joined a day program that helped me stay in a supportive situation but out patient rather than inpatient psychiatric. since then ive moved away for school and am living with my best friend. the only drugs i use now are weed (on a very regular basis), mushrooms, and LSD. im keepin my nose clean and staying as chemical free as i can. staying natural and psychedelic. hmm.
well… yeah. i guess im doing a lot better now, i can handle my drug use better than before, but i am aware it is still a very serious problem in my life since it is interfering with my bipolar disorder. i’ve been thinking a lot about suicide, and that hasnt been a thought in my head since a couple years ago. things are just confusing. my brain is scattered and i feel very out of place and liek i just dont belong in this world anymore. im seeing my psychiatrist still, and he is trying to convince me to start taking my medications again but i don’t think i will. it was never enjoyable,. anyways, sorry for talking alot. ive got a lot on the mind. .. hm. .. yaa…
well. let me know if theres anything else you wanna know.
peace and love
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