Drug Addicted Family Member?
Question by Blundt Cake: Drug addicted family member?
How do you help someone who refuses to help themselves, even when they are in/out of jail, homeless, jobless, in denial, and don’t think they have a problem???? What do you do? Especially if they call from jail saying they’re being beat up, and then when out on bail, they say they are sleeping on a park bench, wandering around, not eating?
But still say they don’t have a drug problem, they just need “help” (money, car, housing) and say they’ve only used drugs a few times in the last couple of months, like that’s a good thing.
(and this repeats year after year)
Best answer:
Answer by jay
Talk to a coucellor
Answer by b
There is NO helping someone who doesn’t want to help themselves.That’s the ugly part about it.This person is in denial and until he/she is honest with him/herself, they will stay in that state of mind.
Do not become a enabler.Let them know that you will help them get into a drug program/rehab and change their lives if they wish but you will NOT supply shelter or money to them.
HOPEFULLY something in their head will click before its too late.At least thats what I am hoping with my family member.
good luck.
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