Are Their Any Diseases or Physical Problems With the Brain That Could Cause This?

Question by A B: are their any diseases or physical problems with the brain that could cause this?
a 25 year old male that personality has been changing over the last 6 months…becoming more and more withdrawn, having a hard time connecting ideas and sentences. erratic behavior..hard time controlling impulses..depression, alcohol abuse…detatchment from reality, wandering..lack of hygiene, changes in eating habits..weight loss..loss of self awareness. this person is going to see a specialist..i’m just wondering if there is something that could cause this that is not so much chemical but would show up on an MRI…once it started it’s been getting progressively worse and worse. thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by GramstoFour
An MRI might help, but sometimes people get that way; especially those who are not right with God.

Answer by b8k3p
Could be borderline personality disorder, depression, or some other organic — I’d take him to see a therapist.