Alcohol Rehab Experience…?
Question by sweetabex: Alcohol Rehab experience…?
Good or bad, I’d like to know any experience.
Best answer:
Answer by Question The System
It is just a bunch of people whining and making excuses about why they drink too much.
If someone really wants to stop drinking – don’t don’t stop at a liquor store on the way home or a tavern…………
Answer by jannsody
I personally have never been to rehab for alcohol (but went to a mental health program for anxiety and depression), however, what generally takes place in a substance abuse rehab program is group therapy with other patients that have an addiction (and some also have a mental health problem as well such as anxiety, depression, bipolar/manic depression — thus having a ‘dual diagnosis’), perhaps also one to one counseling, education on how drugs and alcohol affect one’s health, coping skills and stress management techniques and relapse prevention education to try to learn strategies on how to handle feeling the urge to ‘pick up’ or use a substance to deal with emotions such as having a support system of positive people that don’t use drugs or alcohol, staying away from places that might trigger the person to use again such as where they sell or serve alcohol — bars, pubs, ‘happy hour’ perhaps.
I suppose that it can depend on the program itself as to the quality of the services, but it also weighs heavily on the addict and how committed they are to want to get and remain sober. The motto for Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the 12-step self help group is “one day at a time”. That just for ‘today’ I will be sober. Not bombarding oneself with having to worry if can’t cope with what tomorrow’s problems lie ahead. Rehab programs for drugs and alcohol typically have certified addictions counselors who have received extensive training in the field of addictions including how it affects the family. Addiction is a disease and can get worse and worse even causing death (or permanent disability) if the behavior is continued. There are support groups for family members and friends of the addict such as Ala-non or Nar-anon for family and friends of drug addict. Both are separate organizations but have very similar guidelines and are modeled after AA. Drug and/or alcohol treatment has been known to save lives and quality of life.
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