What (In Your Opinion) Is the Best Book for a Person to Use to Free Themselves From Food Addiction?

Question by .: What (in your opinion) is the best book for a person to use to free themselves from food addiction?
(Food addiction is a term recently coined to describe compulsive over-eating, and the compulsive consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages.)

Not bulimia and not anorexia.

Best answer:

Answer by Wendy V
“If not dieting? Then what?”
I can find out the authors name for you if you want?
It’s an excellent book and really makes sense.
It deals about giving up dieting and listening to what our bodies are telling us. When it needs to eat and when it needs fuel.
It’s helped me kick my food addiction and loose 25kg’s in the process really quickly.
I now only eat when I am trully hungry.

EDIT: The author’s name is Dr Rick Kausman

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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