Former Celtic Talks About Drug Addiction to Danvers Students

Former Celtic talks about drug addiction to Danvers students

Filed under: drug addiction help

Chris Herren, the former Boston Celtics player, whose career was cut short by drug addiction, spoke to Danvers High School students about his 14-year battle with addiction on Dec. 6. Herren came to Danvers at the invitation of DanversCARES, a community …
Read more on Wicked Local


Billy Graham – Face your drug addiction honestly and seek help

Filed under: drug addiction help

A: I don't believe I've ever met a person who was addicted to drugs — whether they were painkillers or any other type of drug — who didn't wish they were free from their iron grip. Even if they didn't admit it at first, they realized that they'd be …
Read more on Gaston Gazette



Joseph Rojas talks about abuse, drugs, suicide and help. – Joseph Rojas from Seventh Day Slumber shares his powerful testimony. He was unpopular at school, a victim of abuse, a convicted felon, drug addict, and suicidal; Joseph cried out to Christ while on the brink of death.


From Twitter:

New Mexicans Beating Heroin Addiction With Help of Drug Dealer – Join talk at: – by Medical_Discuss (Medical Discussions)

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What is Alcoholism? – Drug Addiction Help Now-Drug Addiction Help Now – by ChangngLives (Changing Lives )

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“Oxycontin addiction can be as powerful as that of heroin” – by ChangngLives (Changing Lives )