Deaths Make Heroin a High Priority in St. Francis

Deaths make heroin a high priority in St. Francis
In the Twin Cities, a new population of heroin users has emerged, said Carol Falkowski, CEO and founder of Drug Abuse Dialogues. Almost half of those entering treatment for heroin are men between 18 and 25, Falkowski said. Jake Schmaus, a 2010 St. Read more on Minneapolis Star Tribune

Iowa case could have big effect on drug-death convictions
Joshua Banka wanted to go on a final binge of heroin and painkillers before entering drug treatment. Instead the 32-year-old was found dead in his Nevada home in … Heroin is often cheaper than addictive prescription pain medication, making it a ready … Read more on

Drug policy: Moral crusade or business problem?
At the root of this failure is a simple error: We have treated narcotics as an issue of morality rather than business. Our efforts have … Similarly, no knowledgeable businessperson would use an analytical device like the system we have in place to … Read more on The Detroit News