Why Is Marijuana Frowned Upon More Than Alcohol?
Question by Fritz: Why is marijuana frowned upon more than alcohol?
Is it strictly because, this is illegal, this isn’t sort of thing? Or is it more of the insane mindset the government shoves down peoples throats regarding marijuana? In fact There is a poster at my school that says marijuana is an extremely addictive drug, it yellows your teeth, and weakens your body and mind.
Best answer:
Answer by Lenny
Because it’s illegal.
Answer by Nolan Bilder
100% reason is because it is illegal. thats the bottom line. Alcohol is much more addicting, definitely worse for you, and is extremely dangerous, but since the government can tax it, they say its ok to drink if you do it responsibly.
signs of drug addiction
Drug use among teenagers is on the rise once more. According to statistics, about 30% of 10th graders said they have used marijuana at least once in 2010. As…
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•Dealing with addiction: Familiarize yourself with the signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse in all ages. Access talking points to use when speaking with family or friends when you suspect a problem, and obtain information about treatment … Read more on Princeton Daily Clarion