I Need a Fictional Town for My Story?
Question by Free Ronnie Radke<3: I need a fictional town for my story?
It’s very homophobic, in Ohio, and it has a population of about 1500. There’s not much to do, since it’s small. there’s a Walmart, Starbucks, a few restaurants, a few fast food places, a skate park, a high school, a library, a playground, and a rehab center. There’s a lot of drug usage, hence the rehab center. I need a town name, help?
Best answer:
Answer by Angelacia baybeeeeee
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Medical marijuana legal in New Hampshire with strict regulations
Filed under: drug rehab centers in ohio
Maggie Hassan signed the bill which allows for the establishment of alternative treatment centers, which will dispense marijuana for people with "chronic or terminal diseases" and "debilitating medical conditions," according to Huffington Post …
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Source: Yankees plan A-Rod discipline over doctor
Filed under: drug rehab centers in ohio
The person also said that during a conference call Thursday, the Yankees and Rodriguez agreed to a timetable that would have the third baseman resume minor league rehabilitation games or simulated games next Thursday. Rodriguez, who has been sidelined …
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Patient's Proactive Health Approach Helped Her Battle Pancreatic Cancer
Filed under: drug rehab centers in ohio
Sophia Swann, 71, of Springboro, Ohio, considers herself very lucky. In 2011, she thought she had been given a … That test began a rapid journey toward a stage-1 pancreatic cancer diagnosis and Swann's ultimate successful treatment to overcome the …
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A reading from the works of Anthony Weiner [NSFW]
Filed under: drug rehab centers in ohio
New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner held a historic press conference Tuesday acknowledging that he sent sexually provocative texts and photographs to at least one young woman following his 2011 resignation from Congress. Weiner, who …
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