How Much Coverage Has Anti-Depressant Use Recieved in Last 10 Yrs? How Many Studies/movies/media Released?

Question by Erin D: How much coverage has anti-depressant use recieved in last 10 yrs? How many studies/movies/media released?
I’m trying to prove that society is very concerned with the implications of a nation on anti-d drugs, but that it does not seem to have a healthy discussion about prescription drug abuse of painkillers, stimulants, and opioids. It’s been hard to find statistics, can you find any?

Best answer:

Answer by NekoMimi
Americans love to scream and yell about how evil drugs are yet we are totally unwilling to help those that are addicted…

Or are mentally ill and need help…

Here is a statistic…

All because of our views on health care and the stigma of people trying to get help for their mental illness.

We allow people to stay addicted to drugs and abuse their children…

We will let people die in the gutter before we force them into treatment…

We are a sad and convoluted country…

What do you think? Answer below!



Substance Abuse Treatment – Cedar House Life Change Center – – Call 800-246-HELP. Cedar House is dedicated to improving the lives of those suffering from chemical dependency by providing evide…


Dundee named Scotland's drug death capital by damning new figures

Filed under: drug abuse treatment statistics

According to the latest statistics, 28 people died as a result of drugs in Dundee in 2011 out of a population of 145,570. It works out at 0.19 … “We are continually trying to improve treatment services in terms of quality and access. “More than 90 …
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OxyContin abuse: can it be slowed?

Filed under: drug abuse treatment statistics

Increasing the drug's potential for addiction, some who abuse OxyContin crush the pills and snort the powder like cocaine or dissolve it and shoot it like heroin to get a more intense rush. OxyContin, the … “Now oxycodone and methadone has been taken …
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Can Court-ordered Rehab Work?

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It can, said Dr. Marvin Seppala, chief medical officer at Hazelden, a preeminent treatment center for alcohol and other drug addiction. In fact, knowing that over 90 … And he expects the statistics to improve as understanding of the brain improves …
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