How Do I Become a Counselor?
Question by : How do i become a counselor?
I would like to be a therapist or counselor for people with drug addictions, family matters, domestic violence or something of that sort. What kind of schooling does that require?
Best answer:
Answer by Mally
you can go to college for that but if u want to be more more successful you can go to univirsity after highschool or college then univirsity
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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That means they help promote blood flow, which in turn allows for efficient delivery of oxygen to the brain. And <a href="Disease">research presented at the 2010 International Conference …
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Upper support group praises 'Good Samaritan' bill
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“Many parents have lost children because of an overdose,” said Tonia Ahern, of Upper Township, who helps organize a local Parent to Parent support group for parents with children who have addiction problems. “In many cases, friends left them to die alone.
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